martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Ch. 14 - Retailing

Coca Cola since the last decades has always focused on having a connection with the consumer in every aspect, making the customer feel special and that the company as such will always import them, such as the symbolism of Christmas with Santa or the slogan of "share happiness", allows customers to directly or indirectly buy the product as it would be part of their life as they have done before.

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

The evoked coca cola set is based more on customer perception through slogans such as "Life Tastes Good" or "Red, White & You" that has been carried out through its creation. Also recognized as the soft drink, in addition to its recognized brand colors such as red and white, it has highlighted in the client that within a wide variety of beverage options consumers will choose Coca Cola.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

Coca Cola since the last years has implemented a new global vision that consists of a vision of help towards the environment, where what they are looking for is to change the packages to recyclable packages and make them understand towards the customers how and where they should discard these properly and in this way have a 100% result in the middle of the year 2030

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Coca-Cola has always had to face the Social/Cultural forces. It force can affect directly on the marketing decisions by changing demand patterns and creating new opportunities. Coca-Cola has slowly repositioned itself in response to its strong competition and the changing marketing environment, Coca-Cola relies on fizzy drinks for 80 per cent of profits, while PepsiCo generates about 23 per cent of its worldwide profits.